Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Treats

Happy Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day is one of our favorite holidays! Everything is pink and red, and we have beautiful dresses to wear! The BEST part is showing the people we love how much we love them , and appreciate all that they do in our lives. Hand made cards from the heart... always melt hearts, and it's not expensive to do. The kids love to make pink cupcakes with heart sprinkles or a heart shaped cake to celebrate Valentine's Day. All day we celebrate the love we have for each other in as many ways as we can creatively think of.  We start the day with heart shaped pancakes, and have arts & crafts that include pink, red, and white construction paper with LOTS of glitter and glue to make hearts for each other. We drop off special Valentine's to their cousins, and friends to show how much they mean to us. We celebrate giving, and appreciate anything we receive. We enjoy spreading the LOVE!! Remember that it's the thought that counts, and you will make life long friends with the simplest gestures of appreciation! LOVE is the best building block for every relationship!

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